Pet Intolerance Test Information

Understanding your pet’s results:

  • These results are NOT a life sentence. Because we're using Biofeedback to detect stressors and sensitivities, not true allergies. True born allergies are far more rare in pets.
    • Stressors are something that are subject to change. And they’ll change for a few reasons…
      • Due to time - Some pets can tolerate things well when they’re young and not so much as they get older, or the other way around.
      • Over exposure - If the body gets too much of a certain food, it can eventually build an intolerance to it. 
        • Which is why having a variety of different animal proteins, as well as, rotating between different proteins, formulas, and manufacturers is recommended. This way they are not always on the same thing all of the time.
      • The environment - Our environment is constantly changing, so our pet’s stressors can change along with the seasons/weather.
  • Food Panel:
    • Our recommendation is to avoid the items in red and yellow for the next 60 days. If you struggle to find food that avoids all stressors, you can use food items in yellow sparingly, due to the more moderate triggers vs the extreme triggers that are in red.
    • 60 days is a baseline where positive results are usually observed. But because every pet is different, use your best judgment as to when you think your pet is ready to handle the next step.
    • After 60 days or so, when the pet is in a better & stable place, you can gradually reintroduce a stressor item in red back into the diet, one at a time. It could be a protein source or a single ingredient treat, for example and see how they respond.
    • If you notice any reaction like GI issues, skin irritation, or an upset stomach (something they’ve done before or maybe something new), that could just be an item that they need additional time away from or is something that they may never truly tolerate, that can happen, too.
    • Our ultimate goal through this process is to eliminate the stressors so that the pet can retrain itself to relax... Physically, mentally, & emotionally.
    • I know it can be tricky in some cases, so do the best that you can to eliminate the stressors for 60 days. If you cannot avoid everything, focus on avoiding trigger items in these four main groups:
      • PROTEIN SOURCE - Includes protein, poultry, & fish.
      • ROOT VEGETABLES - Like: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Parsnip, Turnips, Potatoes, etc.
      • OILS
      • GRAINS - It is not surprising if a lot of grains show up, since carnivores generally have a hard time digesting them.

Don’t forget, these are just to be removed for 60 days and can be reintroduced as you see fit.

  • Environmental Factors:
    • There is only so much that we can do to control our environment.
    • Things within our control would be items listed in the Petro and Environmental Chemical sections. Check to see if there are any products around the home that may have these listed as ingredients and remove them. There are many different chemicals that seep into our world without us even realizing it. So, it’s important to check labels on common household or outdoor items that are used. 
    • If there are items under the Miscellaneous column like down feather or wool, simply remove any bedding with these for the 60 days. 
    • Of course, we cannot change the grasses, trees, pollens, weeds, and flowers. However, when these items light up in red, it is a good idea to help balance the immune system as best you can so that the pet can tolerate their environment better. 
  • Energetic Imbalances:
    • The categories highlighted here were revealed during the biofeedback analysis as the pet’s energetic imbalances. Ideally, we want to start with the immune system, the core of our foundation, and work our way out to the other common issues and ailments.
    • Be aware that the items highlighted are not a diagnosis. We’re not saying that the pet has a virus, thyroid issue, or parasite. For example, the body could be experiencing stress in one way or another, putting additional stress on the thyroid gland. We’re not saying there is a true thyroid issue, only that it may benefit from support. Whether that be starting with the immune system or supporting it directly.
    • Important to note - If you’re seeing signs or symptoms of anything, that is something to be discussed further with a veterinarian. Otherwise, these are just areas that can benefit from some additional support.
    • Sometimes a compromised immune system (minor or otherwise) can cause a “domino effect,” where other aspects become out of alignment. Other times these areas may light up due to the season of life a pet’s in or a pet being inclined to these areas lighting up - either way, ultimately needing some additional support.
    • When we first look at the immune system, we typically recommend focusing on the gut through diet, pre & probiotics, & digestive enzymes.
      • With 80% or more of the immune system located in the gut, the saying, “You are what you eat” really can apply. This is why diet change can play such a large role in our pet’s overall health & wellbeing!
      • Diet changes like removing stressors in red, decreasing starch, carb, & sugar content, and incorporating enough moisture. Cats & dogs are designed to get the majority of their moisture content from their food, and not as much from their drinking water. Re-hydrating dry food or adding additional moisture to an already wet diet can be very helpful. Warm water or bone broth purchased from a pet store or made yourself are a couple of good options.

    The importance of gut health:

    • On top of diet change, including pre & probiotics and digestive enzymes can further support the gut. It is important to keep the gut bacteria healthy in order to incorporate a strong immune system in the body. 
    • Pre & Probiotics  are added to supply the gut with that good bacteria, to combat the bad.
      Check out our 13 strain pre & probiotic, ProBio Complete by clicking here.
    • Carnivores lack the proper enzymes to break down a lot of food, especially starches. So, the digestive enzymes are added to each meal to help them break down those foods & starches. This way it’s not sitting in the gut, undigested, where it can create bad bacteria and potentially lead to skin irritations, GI upset, yeast infections, or other issues. 
      Check out our diverse digestive enzyme, Paw-Gest by clicking here.
    • Sometimes a simple diet change and adding in pre & probiotics and digestive enzymes may be all that a pet needs to bring things back into alignment. The other herbal remedies we carry definitely have a purpose and place. They can be utilized in a rotation of one another throughout the year to create an overall healthy balance for the pet. Whether they’re struggling or thriving!

    Utilizing our Supplements: What is pulsing? Why is it important? Learn more here.

    Learn more about the benefits of gut health for your dog or cat here.

    Troubleshooting - Supplement Information/Tips:

    • When it comes to introducing new foods and/or supplements, some pets may benefit from a slow introduction.
      • Start with 1/4 - 1/2 of the recommended dose and working your way up.
      •  Take your time with introductions. Try waiting a week between the introduction of new foods and/or supplements.
      • Supplements are designed to be used intermittently, meaning at some point the pet needs a rest (i.e., if a product is given "everyday" it should be given 6 days a week.)
      • Adding warm water and/or species-appropriate bone broth may also aid in the digestion process, especially if feeding a dry food.

    Professional Resources:

    Holistic veterinarians -  Dr. Ruth Roberts, Dr. Jyl Rubin, and Dr. Dennis Thomas are a few options that provide virtual appointments and are familiar with our products and scan.

    Nutrition advice & guidance - Here is a list of Holistic Pet Wellness Coaches that we refer customers to for nutritional information and have had wonderful feedback from. They have all graduated from Dr. Ruth Roberts Holistic Pet Health Coach program. We also work with the Certified Professional Canine Nutritionists at the Feed Real Institute. Their CPCN directory link is In Singapore please reach out to Judyvein Cheng with JOOF Holistic Pet.

    If you’d like to keep track of product use and your pet’s progress here is a Free 60 day Pet Journal.